
About Us

In the mid ‘60s Dr. Tito Tettamanti our Honorary Chairman began acting as an advisor and investor in the real estate sector with an initial focus on Switzerland and Canada. In the following years, the geography of his investments expanded to the USA, Hong Kong, Australia, and other countries. In all these countries our group incorporated companies that dealt with construction advice and administration. The group’s real estate portfolio over decades amounted to more than 1.5 billion US-Dollars. This expertise has been used to develop a real estate investment branch specialized in commercial and multifamily real estate, the ST Real Estate Holding Inc. (STRE).

Current investments are principally focused on Sydney (AUS), Melbourne (AUS), Houston (USA), Miami (USA), Orlando (USA), and Dallas (USA) with a view to diversify into other cities in North America and in the next emerging economies. Affiliated entities hold a segmented Real Estate portfolio in Switzerland.

ST Real Estate Holding Inc. focuses its investments on the office market in Australia and on the multifamily and senior living market in the United States.
How We Work
Rethinking risk in a more uncertain world is our motto. Our risk diversification strategy is based on an innovative and proven approach, combining exposure to Asian growth, through investments in Sydney and Melbourne (Australia is the most stable and reliable country directly exposed to Asia), with exposure to the United States, the most buoyant and resilient Western economy.
Our Strategy